Book Signing Checklist
Confirm times, dates, and place
Arrange to drop-off books ahead of time if possible
Make/bring poster to display at store before day of the event
Send book details to contact person to share with staff so they will know more about your product
Make sure all products are in the store’s internal system for easy check-out
Books (Place order with printer several weeks ahead to make sure you have enough to sell and display, as well as some to leave at the store after event)
Extra books in your car (just in case)<
Update social media and website a few weeks ahead
Décor for the table (visualize how you want the table to look ahead of time)
Pens that won’t bleed through pages (my favorite are the Sharpie Pens, Fine Point, Black)
Tablecloth (if none is provided)
Table (if none is provided)
Business Cards & holder
Poster & stand
Inventory tracking sheet (to track books currently in store, books sold, and books you’ll leave behind)
Cash (for a coffee/snack)
Individually wrapped chocolates for customers and stickers for kids
Table sign with QR code, social media links, etc.
Book stands for display
Water bottle
Lint roller
Change of clothes in your car (in case you spill something on your outfit)
If you wear contacts, keep your glasses in your car in case your eyes get tired
Snacks (easy and quick to eat, in resealable containers)
Tylenol & Halls (Trust me!)
Comfortable shoes
Dolly to carry boxes (save some trips!)
Boxes with lids to carry books into store and to protect from weather
Bags (for customers if store doesn’t provide)
Marketing Stickers for bags/books (if desired)
E-commerce payment tool (ex: Square, depending on event and arrangement)
Charge phone night before, but bring a phone charger just in case
Introduce yourself to staff upon arrival
Confirm event with contact person one week prior
Confirm time of arrival for set-up
Find out where bathrooms are located (for later, but customers visiting the store will assume you work there and ask you as well, so might as well be helpful!)
Take pictures of table set-up and of yourself with books for posting on social media
Post a picture on social media during event and after
Check inventory before and after
Meet with contact person before leaving
Arrive early, have fun, and remember to take it easy after (Good idea to have a pre-made dinner ready or order in that night)